Thursday, December 21, 2006

Merry Xmas n Happy new yr!

woof woof, long time no blog here already. alot of pictures taken but jie jie no time to post it up for me. cos she quite busy with her trip this coming sat lor. woof. jie jie going to china for seven days. she busy i also busy. i busy pei gege. woof woof

I just recovered frm leg sprain..tats y jie jie din bring me go to the xmas party tat day..but jie jie say she will celebrate xmas with me wor...mayb when she bk then xmas gone liao..but still got new yr to celebrate woof woof...hopefully jie jie brings back lotsa goodies for me lor...

Ok liao...i gtg n ZZZ liao..mama coming bk soon..must ZZZ abit before i continue to "gah jiao" (disturb) her.

Ronnie - aka ron ni ni

NaMe : RoNnie Woof ???? Ishimaru Masahiro
GeNDeR : MaLe
HoBbIEs : Following Ppl (Woof Woof!),Open doors (SmArt rite?), Chase Cats(Yeah!!),
Disturb Hamsters(hehe), JoggING, BarKing @ StRangers, DoiNG Tricks (must Giv Treats ya?)...etc
EmAil : Send Me a Mail!
Current MoOd : The current mood of mickoe at

MY Woofy FrieNDs's BloG

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