Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Swiss Meat Balls (Mickoe's version)


1. Minced Pork ( can be replaced by other meat like beef or mutton or chicken. Amt is up to individual)
2. Chopped baby carrots ( cos baby carrots are more crunchy)
3. Chopped garlic
4. 1 Mashed boiled egg ( can add more eggs if the meat amount is more but not too much cos eggs are high in cholestrol)
5. 1 slice of kraft Cheese singles
6. some butter

1. Mixed the pork, carrots , garlic and egg evenly
2. Make te mixtures into small tiny bite-sized balls ( can make bigger if bigger size dog.)
3. Pre heat the oven at 175 degrees for 10 minutes
4. Grease the baking tray
5. Put the meat balls on the tray n lotsa cheese on top of it.
6. Bake the meat balls for 7 minutes (depending on the size of te meat balls)

After 7-8 minutes, ta ta ta -> delicious Swiss Meat Balls.... ( sounds abit similiar with the Meat patties. can play ard with the ingredients to come up with different meat balls or patties.)

NaMe : RoNnie Woof ???? Ishimaru Masahiro
GeNDeR : MaLe
HoBbIEs : Following Ppl (Woof Woof!),Open doors (SmArt rite?), Chase Cats(Yeah!!),
Disturb Hamsters(hehe), JoggING, BarKing @ StRangers, DoiNG Tricks (must Giv Treats ya?)...etc
EmAil : Send Me a Mail!
Current MoOd : The current mood of mickoe at www.imood.com

MY Woofy FrieNDs's BloG

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