Wednesday, October 13, 2004

he is such a cutie

dun noe how to express my feelings..ahhhhh....i love Ronnie....haha....he is sooooo cute and realli always do something to melt your heart...well...i wan to say a big thanks to those ppl who bring Ronnie into my life and my family's life....Ronnie has been with us for going to be 3 mths soon...he is adapting to our lifestyle and getting brighter and smarter each day.

1. Hazel -> Thank you so much for telling me that your brother's friend's friend is giving up Ronnie for adoption

2. Hazel 's Brother -> Thank you so much for the connection and helping me to get the contact Info

3. Doris -> Thank you so much for everything u have done for Ronnie and introducing Daphne ( also Mona) to me..thank your for your training help and the outing for cocker spainel....

4. Daphne (Mona) and Keith -> Thank you so much for giving Ronnie to me...and visiting Ronnie..Thank you so much ...Daphne....u are realli a great friend!! i am so glad to know u and keith..u both are such great ppl...

5. Ronnie -> Thank you so much for being my friend, my brother and my mummy's son...we love u ..smuaks smuaks...thank you so much for your kisses every day..smuaks....thank you for your cute and silly tricks that u trying to surprise us every day

NaMe : RoNnie Woof ???? Ishimaru Masahiro
GeNDeR : MaLe
HoBbIEs : Following Ppl (Woof Woof!),Open doors (SmArt rite?), Chase Cats(Yeah!!),
Disturb Hamsters(hehe), JoggING, BarKing @ StRangers, DoiNG Tricks (must Giv Treats ya?)...etc
EmAil : Send Me a Mail!
Current MoOd : The current mood of mickoe at

MY Woofy FrieNDs's BloG

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