Sunday, September 19, 2004

Naughty Boy

Ah visited ronnie today as usual, but notice that he's quite "tired" today then learnt that he has taken some medication for some vomiting mabbe that's the cause of it...Tried to make him do some "jumps" but today dunno why he doesn't listen to me..even when I tempt him wif treats, he wants to eat but he dosen't want to "jump" to get it... when I tried to get him to jump, he ran away and hid under the sofa...put the treats close to him, he snatch it and gulp it down immediately..real naughty dog, mabbe he noes even if he dosen't do any tricks he also will get his treats...
Then took him downstairs in the evenings to do his business, tried to get him to come to us unleashed but the moment he's downstairs he's in a whole of his own sniffing and looking here and there I think he's lookin for matter how we call him he dosen't respond...urghhh....
then I took him to search for cats in the hope that he will not bark at them so often if he sees them more often...1st round saw 2 cats, he very good wanted to chase them at 1st glance but he never bark and when I tugged his leash he came wif me no fuss..then 2nd round wanted to show to my darling shirley (tot he obedient now) went to the same cat but now he bark and bark the moment he saw the cat..have to pulled him away from the scene...urghh..dunno how to control this dog and make him more obedient...dosen't even want ppl to trim the fur on his paws..
he would be a more more likeable dog if he's slighty more responsive and obedient but he's still very likeable now..
didn't manage to take pics of him today cos most of the time he's hiding under the sofa...

NaMe : RoNnie Woof ???? Ishimaru Masahiro
GeNDeR : MaLe
HoBbIEs : Following Ppl (Woof Woof!),Open doors (SmArt rite?), Chase Cats(Yeah!!),
Disturb Hamsters(hehe), JoggING, BarKing @ StRangers, DoiNG Tricks (must Giv Treats ya?)...etc
EmAil : Send Me a Mail!
Current MoOd : The current mood of mickoe at

MY Woofy FrieNDs's BloG

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