Monday, August 02, 2004

Mischevious Ronnie

Today is my third day at my New mummy house. last nite i am very naughty. keke. i tried means n ways just to sleep near my new mummy.crawling, sniffing and scratching the door n finally...i got my way to sleep in te bedroom..woof woof....

This morning rain rain ah....i went for walk cold...then come bk and lazy ard...then mummy goes off to work..sob sob..i also wan to go..but kena catch by older mummy...mummy say tonite i got chicken meat to eat leh..yummy...cant wait for dinner and young daddy to bring me for walk walk...

I got my own MTV leh...mummy goin to help me post on te net soon....buai..

NaMe : RoNnie Woof ???? Ishimaru Masahiro
GeNDeR : MaLe
HoBbIEs : Following Ppl (Woof Woof!),Open doors (SmArt rite?), Chase Cats(Yeah!!),
Disturb Hamsters(hehe), JoggING, BarKing @ StRangers, DoiNG Tricks (must Giv Treats ya?)...etc
EmAil : Send Me a Mail!
Current MoOd : The current mood of mickoe at

MY Woofy FrieNDs's BloG

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