Monday, August 30, 2004

Another Sunday

Haha today daddy came to visit me again...he gave me a green bone, he said that after eating this bone, it will freshen my breath.. so i grobled up the bone in double quick time although it's a bit mummy dunno praying for wat and giving some offerings so naturally there's alot of food around... too bad she dun let me eat all the yummy food...then I am a very good boy today, the door was opened all day but I didn't dare to venture out without mummy coming with me...see am I a good boy?daddy also bought a blue raincoat for me, too bad I can't fit into the raincoat cos I am too big for it oh well dun have nice raincoat to wear liao...cannot go out and play water when it's raining...Guess that also mean no gai gai when it's raining liao...wooooof woooof(sob... sob...) Later in the evenings, daddy and mummy took me out to do my "business" hehe so excited ..going out I was jumping around with joy, and grandma had such a hard time putting on the harness for me...after walking for a while around my "toilet" area, I saw a CAT!!, naturally i wan to chase away the cat..for wat reason I also dunno why guess this must be my dog instinct..but the cat was very brave despite my aggressive stance towards it it still refuse to budge from it's resting place..but i am unable to proceed further cos daddy was much too strong for me and just pulled me away from the place, my backside got a smack from him also ouch pain pain... then he took me to the playground to play...haha I ran down the slide again and again went through the tunnel and out fun but I was a bit tired after a I just laid down at a convenient spot and refuse to move again...these few days short of stamina woof woof!...then sensing that i was tired, mummy and daddy decided to take me home...while walking towards our block a small little dog suddenly dashed out from nowwhere and started to sniff at me...of cos i am terrifed by this small's owner called it "Milo", I think it's a male..but a male sniffing at me? of please I am not a gay dog, I go for females...but this Milo is like a gay keep advancing towards me..until I had to hide behind mummy to get away from this gay dog...then mummy and daddy talk to the owner for a while after which he took away that gay milo...phew...Once back, I immediately went to rest, so tired....
looking forward to the next Sun when daddy will visit me again...

By the way I have my very own Yahoo!Geocities website liao it's at , daddy uploaded all the photos he took with his handphone there but mummy haven't ..they will start to work on my personal website when they are free..haha will inform everyone when my very own site is ready..

"Look! I am standing.."

NaMe : RoNnie Woof ???? Ishimaru Masahiro
GeNDeR : MaLe
HoBbIEs : Following Ppl (Woof Woof!),Open doors (SmArt rite?), Chase Cats(Yeah!!),
Disturb Hamsters(hehe), JoggING, BarKing @ StRangers, DoiNG Tricks (must Giv Treats ya?)...etc
EmAil : Send Me a Mail!
Current MoOd : The current mood of mickoe at

MY Woofy FrieNDs's BloG

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